Are you tired of your old bay window and looking for a changing bay window to french doors? French doors may be the perfect solution to bring new life into your home. Bay windows are beautiful, but they can take up valuable space and limit access to fresh air. French doors, on the other hand, add elegance and versatility to any room while allowing natural light and fresh air to flow freely. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the pros and cons of changing bay windows to french doors as well as provide step-by-step instructions for making the switch. So let’s get started!

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What are Bay Windows?

Bay windows are a popular type of window that protrudes from the side of a home. They’re built by combining three or more individual windows to create an angled, panoramic view. Bay windows are often used in living rooms and bedrooms to add extra space and natural light.

One of the biggest advantages of bay windows is their aesthetic appeal. They can make any room look more spacious and provide a beautiful view of the outdoors. Additionally, they allow for plenty of natural light to enter into your home.

However, there are some downsides to bay windows as well. For one, they take up valuable space on the interior wall which could be used for other furniture or decor items. Also, due to their angle structure, it can be challenging to install curtains or blinds that fit correctly.

Bay windows have both pros and cons worth considering before installing them in your home.

What are French Doors?

French doors are a type of door made up of two panels that open outwards from the center. They are usually made of wood or glass and can be designed with intricate patterns or simple, modern lines. These elegant doors originated in France during the Renaissance period and were considered an extravagant addition to any home.

One notable feature of French doors is their ability to bring natural light into a room, making it look brighter and more airy. This makes them particularly popular for rooms that face gardens, patios or balconies.

French doors can also add significant value to your property due to their aesthetic appeal and functionality. They provide easy access between indoor and outdoor spaces while maintaining privacy when necessary – perfect for entertaining guests or simply enjoying some fresh air without having to leave your home.

French doors are a timeless addition that will enhance both the beauty and functionality of any living space they’re installed in.

The Pros and Cons of Changing Bay Window to French Doors

Changing bay window to French doors can be an exciting home renovation project, but it’s important to consider the pros and cons before making a decision. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages you should keep in mind:

– Increased natural light: French doors allow more sunlight into your home than bay windows do.
– Better ventilation: French doors provide better airflow than bay windows, allowing you to enjoy fresh air on breezy days.
– Improved access: If your bay window is difficult to open or clean, changing bay window to french doors can make accessing your outdoor space much easier.

– Reduced privacy: Bay windows offer more privacy than glass-panelled French doors that anyone can look through.
– Costly installation: Replacing large bay windows with custom-made French doors can be expensive due to the cost of materials and labour involved.
– Loss of storage space: If you use your bay window for seating or storage, switching to French doors means losing that functionality.

Consider these factors when deciding whether changing from bay windows to french door is right for you.

How to Changing Bay Window to French Doors

Changing bay window to French doors can be a great way to upgrade your home’s aesthetic and functionality. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Evaluate the space: Before you start, make sure that there is enough room for French doors without compromising your home’s structural integrity.

2. Choose the right style: Select a door style that complements your home’s architecture and interior design scheme.

3. Hire a professional contractor: Changing bay windows to French doors is not an easy task, so it’s best to hire a licensed professional who has experience with this type of project.

4. Obtain necessary permits: Ensure that all necessary building permits are obtained before starting construction.

5. Remove the old window frame: The first step in installing new doors is removing the old window frame and any trim or molding around it.

6. Install new framing: Once the old frame is removed, install new framing where needed for proper door installation.

7. Install the French Doors: Install your chosen French doors into place using screws, shims if needed, and weatherstripping for insulation purposes.

By following these steps carefully, you’ll have successfully changed your bay windows into stunning french doors!


Changing bay windows to French doors is a great way to add value and style to your home. While it may seem like a daunting task at first, with the right tools and guidance, anyone can accomplish this project. Remember to consider the pros and cons before making any decisions, as well as consulting with professionals if necessary.

Upgrading your home’s exterior is an investment that will pay off in the long run. By following this comprehensive guide on changing bay windows to French doors, you’ll not only enhance your property’s curb appeal but also increase its functionality and energy efficiency.

So go ahead and take on this exciting project! Your new French doors are sure to transform your living space into something extraordinary while improving its overall value.